How Often Should You Avail Pest Control Services?
Do you have a pest infestation in your house? You will have so many other questions as well like if you should hire the pros or deal with the situation on your own. Moreover, you will also be wondering about the frequencies of these services.
We advise that you should opt for a regular service which is offered by many exterminators Phoenix. This will keep the bugs away throughout the year at an affordable price, and you will not have pest issues any more.
What frequency should you opt for?
The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. The best way is to ask reputed exterminators in Phoenix for advice. They will inspect your home thoroughly and identify the pests that you have. Once done, they will have a good idea about the severity of the issue and will accordingly figure suitable treatment techniques. Using all this information, they will devise a plan and inform you about the frequency of the service.
A bi-monthly service is an economical option that will not strain your budget. Once the first few sessions are over, all the pests will be eliminated from your house and it will soon become pest-free.
As long as you choose a reputed name, they will turn up by themselves when an inspection is due. Still, you should remind them about it around two days before over the phone.
What factors does the frequency of treatment depend on?
There are many factors which affect the frequency of pest control service such as the location of the infestation, the density of the pests, the type of pests, and the region you live in. For instance, if your home is infested by silverfish or cockroaches, a bi-monthly service will do. If you reside in the northeast part of the country, a quarterly treatment plan should suffice and still provide you with effective results.
In the most general of circumstances, you should avail a service at least once in six months. At times, this period may be too long and so only the pros can accurately determine a suitable frequency for you.
What is the most effective treatment plan?
The bi-monthly service is effective in almost every instance. With this plan, your house will be treated once in every two months. The service will cater to the pests found in your house, and suitable techniques will be utilized if there are multiple types of pests.
Are there any other treatment plans?
Other than the bi-monthly service, you can also opt for monthly service or quarterly service. The former of these offers you thorough protection, but is an expensive option. As for the latter, it is cheaper than the bi-monthly service but does not always produce effective results, and so the pros will not always recommend it.